
by Toni Willey
Buy the Original Painting
48.000 x 36.000 inches
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Toni Willey
Painting - Textured Acrylic Mixed Media On Gallery Wrap Canvas
This universe is a web of connected tissue and cells. You might not see it. But it's there. You can't change or delete a member without impacting the next one no matter how unrelated you might believe they are to each other.
Even animal life is as valuable as a human life, and even impossible without it.
The vulture population in India has declined by 97% to 99%. The reason is the drug diclofenic, which vultures ingest from previously treated animals' carcasses, which in turn causes the retinal disease in the vultures. Vultures are natures cleanup crew. Feral dogs and other animals have taken the vulture's place with disastrous results. India now has the highest human death rate from rabies (45% and steadily climbing), than any other country in the world.
One animal species disappears from the ecosystem: children die of rabies, diseases propagate, dire economic results are felt, centuries of traditions are impacted and a continent is declining. All because one animal vanished. There are way too many more similar situations, which makes this scenario even more chilling.
We are losing species at the rate of 100 extinctions per million species per year. Future rates may be as much as 10,000 times higher. On average the planet is losing an estimated 45,000 species a year and best scientific minds say a Mass Extinction event is occurring.
The real tragedy is, many like the African Elephant, and the vultures are preventable.
Get involved. Don't let them Vanish, please.
August 18th, 2016
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